BMI calculator program in c programming
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#include /**
- main - Programme to build BMI calcutor to find a patient BMI
- Description: a programm to print BMI of a patient
Return: 0 */ int main() { float height, weight, BMI;
printf("Enter patient height: \n"); scanf("%f", &height);
printf("Enter patient weight: \n"); scanf("%f", &weight);
BMI = weight / (height * height);
printf("Your Body Mass Index is %f\n", BMI);
if (BMI < 18) printf("Underweight\n");
else if (BMI >= 18 && BMI <= 25) printf("Normal weight\n");
else if (BMI >= 26 && BMI <= 29) printf("Overweight\n");
else printf("Obesity\n");
return 0; }